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Wikipedia lan
area of mathematics, mathematical theory
Subclass ofarea of mathematics Yasa
Part ofmathematics Yasa
Named afterThe Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing Yasa
History of topichistory of algebra Yasa
Practiced byalgebraist Yasa
Classification of Instructional Programs code27.0102 Yasa
Stack Exchange taghttps://math.stackexchange.com/tags/algebra, https://matheducators.stackexchange.com/tags/algebra Yasa

Algebra shima dalami konkomi bǝwo kəra shi algebraic structures a kuru futu bayanna suro awoa sandima anyibǝn dagənadəga. Shidə shima generalization arithmetic bǝ dəwo fafaltin kuru algebraic bǝ kəndowa gade gade kəndowa arithmetic bǝ alamanna nzəra kuru kawattəben.

Elementary algebra də shima algebra bǝ zauro nowata dəwo suro maləm kure bǝdən kuru shiye bayan konkomi bǝn faidatə awoa fafaltinma dəga faidatin.


[yasa | usullu yasa]